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Activity 1.-  Answer the questions in pairs of the worksheet with short answers.

(Use the resources Mindomo and Xtend)


Once you have them, upload it in the  xtend task.

Activity 3.- Investigate about Pythagoras and the relation with music. Explain two of his theories about music.

Create a free presentation.

Activity 2.- Create a padlet about two Greek divinities, and how they created the instruments. These are the things that must appeared:

  • name,

  • add a picture of him/her

  • picture of the instrument

  • explain and classify the instrument (family, type...)

  • write the story of the invention of the instrument.


Once you have it send upload it, save it by sending it on the Xtend task: Padlet

If you send the link, get sure that your padlet is open for everybody.

Activity 4- Create an infograph in genially or other app about 5 instruments seen along the unit.   It must have:

  • picture of the instruments

  • classify them

  • explain how the instrument works

  • name the civilization where it was created.

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